We are delighted to introduce our new game-changing feature, One-Click Dispensing.
We understand the growing pressures on pharmacies to adopt a more service-led role within public healthcare. As your PMR provider, we see it as our responsibility to work with our customers to bring new efficiencies and improved workflows to your RxWeb system, freeing you up to focus on what matters, delivering exceptional care to the public.
This brand new feature was developed to dramatically speed up the dispensing flow for repeat items or items repeated to a patient where no changes have occurred.
So how does it work?
One-Click uses a series of algorithms to check each prescription downloaded into the “To Be Dispensed” queue to check if they are eligible for One-Click Dispensing.
The algorithms check that each item to be dispensed is for a known patient and meets the One-Click criteria, which includes the following checks:
- The drug is one that has been dispensed previously for the patient within x days (system default is 180 days, but this is configurable).
- There has been no change to the directions.
- There has been no change to the dosage.
- The drug does not appear in the ‘One-Click Exclusions’ list (created and managed by you).
There are a number of configuration options within RxWeb to allow you to set certain algorithms so that the system will work in the best way for your pharmacy, keeping you in control.
What types of prescriptions will One-Click cover?
One-Click will allow the dispensing of repeat scripts (eRPT and RPT), as well as, Acute (ACU) scripts (configurable option), which meet the criteria.
What are the benefits?
One-Click Dispensing is going to save you time. A lot of it!
Based on our review of a typical community pharmacy, we estimate that up to 72% of EPS2 prescriptions could be eligible for One-Click Dispensing. With that figure, the following time savings can be made.
That’s a potential of 228 hours per year, which can be saved or redeployed within the business!
Scripts eligible for One-Click are calculated by looking at how many EPS scripts in a typical community pharmacy would meet the One-Click criteria.
Other benefits include:
- Check high-level interactions and notes on one screen.
- Print labels and tokens from the same screen.
- Complete the exemption check and mark items collected (depending on your chosen system configurations).
When do you get it?
One-Click will be included in the next system release scheduled for the coming weeks. Initially, One-Click will be piloted by a small number of customers before being released to everyone early in the new year. Once available, you will be able to switch it on at your own discretion. Early testing and feedback have been hugely positive.
We are very excited for you all to get your hands on this brilliant new feature. We have enjoyed bringing our customers some truly innovative updates throughout the year and we look forward to bringing even more in 2022.