Time: 18:30pm – 21:00pm
Location: Holiday Inn Wigston, Leicester, LE18 1JW
The Cambrian Alliance Group is made up of more than 1,200 independent pharmacy members from across the UK consisting of two areas Cambrian Alliance and Camrix. Cambrian Alliance is the UK’s leading buying group for securing the best prices and growing pharmacies’ profits, while the Camrx buying group specialises in the provision of professional pharmacy services that help boost a pharmacy’s income and expertise.
Cambrian Alliance Group have partnered with the Leicester Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) to run a Business Development Roadshow. This roadshow will go through a range of topical issues currently affecting community pharmacy including digital minor illness service, price concessions and the MUR project.
RxWeb will be exhibiting at the roadshow to showcase RxWeb, RxWeb FMD and Spectrum.
For more information on Cambrian Alliance Group, click here.